About Us
The Electrician's Club was started by a Master Electrician Licensed in multiple States and 8 Counties. We want to pass on the knowledge and skills to the younger generation and keep this trade at maximum performance.
Hi everyone welcome to The Electricians Club of Orange County my name is Gary Scotto your instructor and President.
Here is the first step in your career to becoming an Electrician. Remember knowledge is power and trade knowledge is high voltage, be far ahead of your soon-to-be co-workers. After our 6 month + course you will have the knowledge of a first year apprentice so when you sit down with the owner and say, "I can wire a single pole, 2 pole, 2 pole 3 way and 4 way switch" and you are able to explain and draw it out, but most importantly, understand what you are talking about.
I tell all my students that when I take and pay for a course I am not leaving the room until I understand what was taught and I want you to be the same way. Don’t think for a second you can’t do this because you can. As you progress through the course, you will get overwhelmed, and I am doing it to you on purpose, trust me. It’s nothing you won’t be able to handle and you will start to learn to disregard any lingering doubt and move forward.
I have been in the trade for over 40 years now and I love my job. It has its moments that’s for sure, but so does everything else and I would not change it for anything. The Trade has allowed me to take care of my family for many years and I live very comfortably, but it’s just like everything you get out of it what you put into it. I have siblings who went to college and that is wonderful, but it was not for me and it’s not for everybody just like the trade.
So come in, sit down, and talk.